Thursday, 20 December 2012

One solstice night

Asteroids rained down and forests burned,
yet few people seemed remotely concerned.
Floodwaters rose and thunderstorms churned,
But still the planet turned and turned.

"It's the end of the world!" some people cried,
"We told you so! Repent, run, hide!"
But I sat in my chair and sighed,
warm and snug on this Yuletide.

Every street of every town,
the whole land over, up and down,
was filled with shoppers running round,
To see how much they could grab for a pound.

"Stay indoors!" the reporter said,
as giant hailstones rained down on his head.
Well, I was snuggled in my bed,
warm and cosy and very well fed.

"It's Christmas, the world can't grind to a stop!"
came the uneasy voices from every shop,
as the people began to precariously hop
around burning rocks that would crackle and pop.

From the skies there came a breeze,
that made the land the world over freeze,
and what's this? It's raining mushy peas!
The repenters were down on their knees.

As earthquakes rocked the planet's crust,
And trees came down with one strong gust,
as buildings crumbled into dust,
where now were people to put their trust?

Well, good grief, it's very cold,
but you'd think the streets were paved with gold,
"Ignore the weather! Keep spending!" we're told, 
as Christmas continues to be bought and sold.

Here is ending the shortest day,
the sunshine disappears, down to the last ray.
The shoppers barge each other out the way,
even though the darkness is here to stay.

So here has arrived the longest night,
I'll admit it's a most extraordinary sight,
this end of the world, but with all my might,
I wish for a returning of the light.

We waited and waited, through the dark,
now no noise save for a dog's bark,
what kind of legacy would this event mark?
The masses were gathering in the park.

But I was in my bed fast asleep,
I couldn't hear the scared people weep,
but then I saw sunshine, just a peep,
and out of my bed I sprang in a leap.

"Welcome to the new world," she said to me,
the smily newsreader on TV,
oh, what a beautiful thing to see!
A good slice of toast and a cup of tea!

Now the world was put to right,
the sun rising up, shining bright,
Mother nature went to these extremes? Well, quite,
to bring people together on solstice night.

Now the people began to understand,
as they gathered in the streets, hand in hand,
Forget the commercial! Gifts needn't be grand!
It took the end of the world to unite the land.

Merry Christmas, Yule, and Hannukah too,
or whatever celebration is best for you,
out with the old and in with the new,
May love and compassion be in all that you do.


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